Nabelóse combines prepared grand piano, the french horn and imaginary and mother tongues, to unknown territories of sound by breaking the feeling of measured time and space.



Corvo Records 2017


Bohemian Drips 2022



Decoder Magazine
Emilie Pothast (USA)

“…I can honestly say I’ve never heard anything quite like this… It’s a spellbinding, cathartic combination of beauty and discomfort.”

Andrew Choate (USA)

“…Both women use their voices on this recording––from folk yodels that become chamber harmonics, to physical groans that become improvised touchstones––and boy do we need these voices at this time. The sounds are bigger than their being, and the being is so big it can only make a small sound.”

Music Map
Gilberto Ongaro (IT)

“…La melodia cantata, ora sola, ora accompagnata dal corno, è malinconica ma attira magneticamente l’attenzione, non si può stoppare durante l’ascolto, sarebbe un peccato. L’esperienza binaurale torna ad essere particolarmente forte in “Wolf’s path”, sentendosi avvolti dagli avvenimenti.Minimale, avvolgente, sperimentale ed oscuro.”

felix (AT)

“…Und wenn ein griechisches Volkslied fast kathedral erklingt, bleibt kein Henkel trocken – und passt wie angegossen als maßgeschneidertes Andenken an Thomas Stempkowsi, den viel zu früh verstorbenen Spielpartner der beiden, dem diese Platte gewidmet ist. Erinnerung in Form eines lang anhaltenden Echos. Großer Respekt.”

salt peanuts
Eyal Hareuveni (NO)

“… The last piece “Amygdalaki” adapts a popular, beautiful melody from the island of Skyros in Greece, and sounds like an irreverent Gregorian hymn. Playing in this space served remarkably the experimental, alchemist sonic vision of Nabelóse.”

Sounds And Silence

“Nabelóse” è un lavoro profondamente suggestivo, struggente direi, e foriero di una spiritualità antica.”

A Closer Listen (USA)

“Schmoliner and Kakaliagou make pastoral music dusted with cold ash from old fires, tickled beneath the chin with woolen blankets.”

Vital Weekly (NL)

“A surprising album.”

freistil (AT)

“So haben wir es in Wahrheit mit einem brillanten, die Tiefe, die Stille und die Emotion nicht scheuenden Bluesalbum zu tun, das auch international seinesgleichen sucht.”